Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Benefits of soursop fruit for health

On this occasion, I will discuss the benefits of soursop fruit for you all. Soursop fruit is a fruit plant that can also be used as a natural medicine which is believed to contain many properties for the body. Soursop fruit meat that has a sweet and delicious taste, not only tastes good on the tongue, but there are also many benefits in it that are good for the body.
Health Benefits of Soursop Fruit for the Body

It is very natural that many people use soursop fruit for health, because soursop fruit contains many beneficial compounds such as fiber, vitamin C, carbohydrate, potassium, calcium, water and fat. Well, this is where we can estimate about the benefits of soursop fruit for body health. 

- Vitamin C content
Soursop is a fruit that contains high vitamin C which acts as an antioxidant. 
This antioxidant can function to fight various diseases in the body, including 
healing wounds and preventing skin damage.
- Fiber content
Soursop fruit contains fiber that can help facilitate digestion and metabolism 
in the body. In addition, the fiber content in soursop can keep your body weight 
- Carbohydrate content
In one cup soursop contains quite a lot of carbohydrates, 38 grams as a source 
of energy for the body. Natural carbohydrates contained in soursop fruit are 
certainly healthier than those found in cakes that actually have a bad effect 
on blood sugar levels in a person (because the cake has experienced an unnatural 
- Potassium content
Soursop contains potassium which can help the health of the muscles in the body, 
can regulate blood pressure levels, and also for bone repair.

- water
Soursop fruit also has a lot of water, even in a cup of soursop has a water 
content of 183 grams. So it's natural that soursop fruit is ideal for consumption 
during the summer which can prevent dehydration. Besides of course drinking lots 
of water.
- Phosphorus and Calcium
Other beneficial ingredients contained in soursop are phosphorus and calcium. 
In 100 grams of raw soursop fruit there are 14 mg of calcium and 27 mg of 
phosphorus. These various minerals are very important in shaping bones and 
inhibiting bone loss or osteoporosis.
Other Soursop Fruit Benefits For Cholesterol, Uric Acid, Hypertension
Soursop fruit that contains lots of water has a sweet and fresh taste especially 
when used as juice. Behind the delicious soursop fruit, it turns out that it has 
many health benefits that are very good for the body. All substances contained 
in it are beneficial to the health of the body. Want to know what are the benefits 
of soursop fruit for the body? Here are the benefits of soursop fruit that you 
need to know, including:
- Benefits of soursop fruit to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL)
As we know above, soursop fruit has a lot of fiber which is good for the body. 
In 100 grams of soursop fruit meat it can meet the body's daily fiber needs by 
13%. Well, this fiber also plays a good role in the absorption of bad cholesterol 
in the body. So as to make it easier for bad cholesterol to get out of the body, 
which means that only cholesterol is good in the body.
- Benefits of soursop fruit to reduce hypertension
Not only soursop fruit leaves can reduce high blood pressure or hypertension. 
Apparently, soursop fruit that tastes delicious also has the same properties to 
treat hypertension. Several studies have proven the efficacy of soursop fruit 
which is capable of treating hypertension. This is because, soursop fruit contains 
substances that can counteract the occurrence of hypertension. So, if you want to 
be healthy then consume soursop fruit every day.
- Benefits of soursop fruit for gout
Another benefit of soursop fruit is that it can treat the value of uric acid to 
normal. By consuming soursop fruit regularly, the body will avoid gout.
Hopefully, the reviews on the benefits of soursop fruit above can be useful for you. 
Do not hesitate always to eat natural foods that have been provided in nature for the 
health of our bodies and your positivity mind.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

How To Make Green Juice Method For Healty Life?

How to Make Green Juice There are so many ways to do a healthy diet. The other things is, to do a healthy diet, offset by doing sports, doing positive things like not stress and others. In addition to losing weight, it could be to smooth the digestion that indirectly also has a big share to lose weight. Usually, doing  a healthy diet  is more, for example used green juice method. Green juice has a basic green color derived from the basic ingredients of fruits and vegetables mixed with some other natural ingredients as a flavor to get a good taste. But who did not know the name of green juice. What is green juice and how to make a green juice?

What is a Green Juice Method?

Green juice is one of the healthy juices that can be consumed by all people, the most important is the usual drinks consumed by women who go on a diet and do the detoxification. Green juice is also popular among celebrities. Many artists and models that embody the processed green juice are diverse. Green juice has a slightly strange taste because basically a mixture of processed vegetables and fruits are not all can be mixed, moreover the flavor that is owned by the vegetables itself that makes the taste of green juice slightly strange.
The mixtures are a support for the green juice itself. And also usually not very dominate, because only as an addition. Make no mistake, though only in addition, the mixtures support vitamins, additional minerals for the green juice and also as a flavor enhancer, so the flavor of green juice is not just vegetables.

How to Make a Green Juice?

How to make green juice is easy. And why you must used green juice? Because not all vegetables and fruits are mixed, because of the need for consideration of vitamins, minerals, and other substances contained in these ingredients. Here are some ways to make green juice :
1.       This juice is suitable for intake in the morning. It feels very light and not bitter, and also children can consume it. To be more fresh, do not forget the ingredients to be made in the refrigerator before processing. The ingredients used are two cucumbers, two green apples, one lemon peel and two raw honey teaspoons, all mixed into the juicer and if not using honey, can also use ginger.
2.        This juice helps to overcome dull and pale skin. Here are the ingredients used to make this juice, among others; one piece of mango that has been cut into pieces, one cup of leaf kale leaf is not the kind of leafy curls, a cup of spinach leaves, an apple, and half a cup of coconut water which are all mixed and in juicer until smooth or if you want to feel the bite of an apple, just a few moments to juicer him.
3.       If you have a skin allergy, this recipe can prevent allergies. This juice can also speed up the process of digestion and is perfect for consumption after eating all-you-can-eat dish. Here are the ingredients, among others; one cucumber, one cup of pineapple chunks, two lemon peeled, one cup of arugula, a piece of ginger, half a parsley, one green apple, all mixed and juicer. If you want to add a sweet sensation, can mix citrus fruits.
4.       This juice can nourish eyes and hair because it has rich in mineral and vitamin B. The ingredients are one green apple, four pieces of white mustard, half an inch of ginger, a peeled lemon, a bunch of beetroot, a parsley cup, and one carrot stalk which is all mixed and juicer, mix well.
5.       Spinach and carrot juice contains many vitamins, such as spinach contains vitamin A, C, E, K, calcium, iron, and some other minerals. For carrots, a source of vitamin A and has anti-oxidant, beta-carotene content. The ingredients are five pieces of spinach leaves, four carrots. One of celery stalk and two tablespoons of honey then all mixed and juicer until smooth and stir well,
6.       To treat beauty, keep skin smooth, this juice can be consumed because cucumber seeds contain vitamin E and calcium. Lime contains vitamin C, folic acid, iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and others. Other ingredients are 150 grams of cucumber cut into pieces, two limes, 100 ml of ginger water, two tablespoons of honey, and ice cubes. Mix it all together, and for lime, the juice is extracted. Then filtered while crushing the cucumber and mix it all back.
7.       Pineapple juice This juice is good for destroying fat and digestion and increase this immunity contained in pineapple fruit. The ingredients are five leaves of barley leaves, one lemon, 250 grams of pineapple, 300 ml of water, honey according to taste, and ice cubes. Previously squeeze lemons first, then mix everything and put it in the juicer.
8.       In addition to the above juice, the juice can also be expedite digestion, because it contains wasteful pears containing high anti-oxidants prevent cancer, lower blood pressure, and serum cholesterol in the body. The ingredients are 200 grams of cut green pear, 50 grams of green spinach, 30 grams of coriander leaves, 50 ml boiled water, and ice cubes to taste. Combine everything and put it in the juicer and serve it.
9.       To lose weight, this juice is suitable for consumption. The ingredients are three medium-size apple, two stalks of celery, one cup chopped spinach, one cucumber, one inch of ginger, lemon peel of the fruit. Mix and put in the juicer by noticing the amount of ginger because the ginger has a strong flavor that can cause the mouth to feel hot. If you do not like it enough, simply reduce the amount before mixed into the juicer.
10.   Kiwi fruit can also be as for detoxification. The ingredients are eight kiwi fruit, three pieces of green apple, half a cucumber, two inches of fresh ginger, a handful of mint leaves, and four ice cubes that are all mixed and put into the juicer,
There are many ways to make green juice easily. Only, can beat the strange taste contained in green juice that contains lots of green vegetables that it tastes bitter. But with the mixture of other ingredients such as fruit, bitter taste contained in vegetables can be tolerated. The ingredients of the mixture are not only fruits, spices such as ginger can be an alternative, honey, and mint can also be used if too do not like the sharp taste of ginger.

Benefits of soursop fruit for health

On this occasion, I will discuss the benefits of soursop fruit for you all. Soursop fruit is a fruit plant that can also be used as a na...